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Updates and Developments
Updates and Developments
This page features the latest developments related to each organ of the Court. For more detailed information as well as the official Court documents and decisions, visit:

February 2008

Registrar Bruno Cathala to leave ICC on 9 April 2008
On 13 February 2008, ICC Registrar Bruno Cathala submitted his resignation to ICC President Philippe Kirsch. It will take effect on 9 April 2008. Mr. Bruno Cathala, whose term as registrar would end in July 2008, is to become the new President of the “Tribunal de Grande Instance” of Evry, France.
On 25-29 February 2008, ICC judges meeting in plenary session will elect a new Registrar by an absolute majority, taking into account any recommendations by the ASP.
Bruno Cathala was the Court’s first employee and first Registrar, elected for a period of five years in June 2003.
ICC Press Release
CICC’s campaign to promote fair and transparent elections

First Appearance of DRC suspect Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui before the ICC
On 11 February 2008, Mr. Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui appeared for the first time before the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I in a public hearing. After confirming his identity, date of birth and profession, Mr. Ngudjolo Chui was informed of the charges brought against him as well as his rights under the Rome Statute, including his right to request interim release and selecting a counsel of his choice. His duty counsel, Maitre Jean-Pierre Kilenda Kakengi Basila, requested the interim release of Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui and submitted that the case brought against his client was inadmissible explaining that Mr. Ngudjolo has already been tried and acquitted by a national court in the DRC for the same facts as those described in the warrant of arrest. The date of the confirmation of charges hearing was provisionally set to 21 May 2008. Furthermore, Presiding Judge Akua Kuenyehia explained that considering that the Prosecution filed a joint application for warrants of arrests against Mr. Ngudjolo and Mr. Germain Katanga, a closed session would be held on 12 February 2008 to consider whether or not the proceedings against Mr. Ngudjolo and the proceedings against Mr. Katanga should be joined.
ICC Press Release
DRC situation

ICC Opens Third DRC Case
On 7 February 2008, the ICC issued a Press Release announcing that Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, a Congolese national and alleged former leader of the National integrationist Front (FNI) and a Colonel in the National Army of the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo [Forces armées de la RDC/ Armed Forces of the DRC ] (FARDC), had been arrested and transferred to the ICC. This is the third arrest warrant unsealed and executed within the context of the DRC situation. The Advisory also announced that Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui would be arriving on 7 February 2008 at the ICC detention center in The Hague.
ICC Press Release
Warrant of Arrest

ICC Prosecutor to travel to CAR
On 7 February 2008, ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo will visit Central African Republic (CAR). On 22 May 2007, ICC Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo announced the opening of a fourth investigation into grave crimes allegedly committed in the Central African Republic (CAR), with the peak of violence occurring in 2002 and 2003.
ICC-OTP Press Release

January 2008

Katanga case: Confirmation of charges rescheduled
The Confirmation hearing in the Katanga case, which had been set to be held 28 February 2008, has been postponed to a later date. The Pre-Trial Chamber particularly considered that the Defence was not yet in possession of all the evidence the Prosecution intended to rely on at the hearing. Following the confirmation hearing, the Pre-Trial Chamber will decide whether or not to confirm the charges of crimes of war and crimes against humanity brought by the Prosecutor against Mr Germain Katanga.
ICC Press release
PTC I Decision

ICC Deputy Prosecutor meets with AU head
On 26 January 2008, ICC Deputy Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda met with the head of the African Union, H.E. Alpha Oumar Konaré. Mrs. Bensouda was in Ethiopia for a consultation on women in Darfur held on 24-25 January.
ICC-OTP Press Release on AU meeting
ICC-OTP Press Release on Darfur consultation

Three New ICC Judges Sworn In and Assigned to Divisions
On 17 January 2008 at 10:30 a.m., Judges Bruno Cotte (France), Fumiko Saiga (Japan) and Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko (Uganda), were sworn in at the seat of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The Judges were elected at the sixth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC at the UN headquarters in New York, on 30 November and 3 December 2007. They are replacing three judges who have resigned prior to the end of their terms.
On 17 January 2008 afternoon, the ICC judges held a plenary session in which they decided upon the assignment of the new Judges to ICC divisions. Judge Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko and Judge Bruno Cotte were assigned to the ICC Trial Division. Judge Fumiko Saiga was assigned to the Pre-trial division.
ICC Press Release on Judges Undertaking
ICC Press Release on Judges Assignment
Biographies of the three new judges
Statement of ASP President Bruno Stagno Ugarte
Solemn undertaking

December 2007

Prosecutor briefs Security Council on Darfur
On 5 December 2007, ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo briefed the United Nations Security Council on progress in his investigation in Darfur, Sudan, pursuant to SC Resolution 1593 by which the Council referred the situation to the Court in March 2005. In his address to the Council, the prosecutor called for the Security Council to “break the silence” by sending “a strong and unanimous message” to the Sudanese government, requesting compliance with Resolution 1593 and the execution of the arrest warrants.
CICC press Release
OTP Press Release

November 2007

Katanga appoints principal counsel
On 23 November 2007, Mr Germain Katanga appointed Mr David Hooper from United Kingdom as principal counsel to represent him in proceedings before the ICC.
ICC Press Release
PTC I Decision

Trust Fund for Victims: Board of Directors holds Fourth Annual Meeting
On 22 November 2007, the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims is holding its Fourth Annual Meeting at the premises of the Court, in The Hague. Amongst other issues, the Board will review the status of current TFV projects and discuss the Fund’s priorities for 2008, including fundraising strategies, budget issues and proposed amendments to the regulations of the Fund. The Board will also hold a session with representatives of the civil society.
Current Board members include Madame Minister Simone Veil, Chair of the Board, His Grace, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, H.E. Mr Tadeusz Mazowiecki, H.E. Mr Arthur N.R. Robinson and H.E. Mr Bulgaa Altangerel.
ICC Press Release

Lubanga trial to begin on 31 March 2008
On 9 November 2007, Trial Chamber I decided that the trial in the case of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo would begin on 31 March 2008. Trial Chamber I also ordered the Prosecution to disclose the entirety of its evidence by 14 December 2007 at 4 pm.
ICC Press Release
Trial Chamber decision

ICC President addresses UN General Assembly
On 1 November 2007, ICC President Judge Philippe Kirsch presented his third annual report of the ICC to the United Nations General Assembly. Judge Kirsch addressed the General Assembly about the Court’s activities and planning during 2006-2007. This address provided an update to the Court’s 31 August 2007 report which stressed the crucial need for cooperation from states, the UN and other international organizations to ensure the ICC’s future success especially with regard to executing ICC arrest warrants.
CICC Media Advisory
President Kirsch’s address to the UN GA

October 2007

ICC opens Second DRC Case
On 17 October 2007, the DRC authorities surrendered and transferred to the ICC Mr Germain Katanga, alleged commander of the Force de résistance patriotique en Ituri (FRPI). The warrant of arrest (issued on 2 July and unsealed on 18 October 2007) focuses on the period between January and March 2003 and in particular on the attack of the village of Bogoro on 24 February 2003, listing three crimes against humanity and six war crimes in Ituri, a territory in eastern DRC. The alleged acts include murder, inhumane acts, inhuman or cruel treatment, the use of child soldiers, sexual slavery, willful killing, intentional attacks against the civilian population and pillage. The Initial appearance of Mr Germain Katanga took place on Monday 22 October 2007, at 2:30 p.m. at the ICC premises in The Hague. The date for the confirmation of charges hearing was provisionally set for 28 February 2008.
CICC Press Release
ICC Press release and Statement of the Prosecutor
ICC Press Release on First appearance
Warrant of Arrest

ICC opens Field Office in CAR
On 18 October 2007, ICC Registrar Bruno Cathala inaugurated a new field office in Bangui, Central African Republic. The Court now has five field offices in Africa: Bangui (CAR), Kampala (Uganda), Kinshasa and Bunia (DRC) and Abéché (Chad).
ICC Press release

September 2007

ICC Trial Chamber I holds preparation hearing in the Lubanga case
On 4 September 2007, ICC Trial Chamber I held a public hearing in the Lubanga case to facilitate the preparation of the trial. The judges agreed on the following timetable: First set of written submissions to be filed by 24 September with a public hearing to follow on 1 October 2007; a second set of written submissions will be filed by 19 October with a public hearing on 30, 31 October, 1 and 2 November 2007; and a third set of written submissions will be filed by 16 November with a subsequent hearing on 20 November 2007. The judges also said the Court is investigating the possibility of in-situ hearings. Moreover, the Legal Representatives of Victims shall file submissions on the role of victims in the proceedings leading up to, and during the trial, by 28 September 2007.
ICC Press release
TCI Decision

August 2007

ICC Deputy Prosecutor meets UN Deputy Secretary General, President of UN Security Council and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Congo to the UN
On 17 August 2007, ICC Deputy Prosecutor Mrs. Fatou Bensouda met in New York with the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, the President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the month of August and the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Congo to the UN, Ambassador Pascal Gayama. She provided an update on the work of the ICC, particularly on cooperation issues, focusing on recent developments on DRC, Uganda, Darfur and the Central African Republic.
ICC Press release

June 2007

ICC officials meet EU High Representative for the CFSP
On 26 June 2007, ICC President Judge Philippe Kirsch, ICC Prosecutor Mr Luis Moreno-Ocampo, and ICC Registrar Mr Bruno Cathala met in Brussels with the European Union (EU) High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), Mr Javier Solana. Court representatives updated Mr Solana on recent developments and discussed co-operation between the Court and the EU.
ICC Press Release
Council of the European Union Press Release

ICC Prosecutor addresses Nuremberg Conference
On 25 June 2007, ICC Prosecutor Mr Luis Moreno-Ocampo delivered the opening remarks at a three-day conference titled "Building a Future on Peace and Justice," in Nuremberg, Germany.
Read Speech

ICC Prosecutor addresses UN Security Council on Darfur
On 7 June 2007, ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo addressed the United Nations Security Council on his current investigation in Darfur. In his address to the Council, the Prosecutor urged the international community to help ensure that the two suspects named by the Court - Ahmad Muhammad Harun and Ali Muhammad Ali Abdal-Rahman - are arrested and brought to The Hague to face justice. Under Council Resolution 1593 (2005), which referred the Darfur situation to the ICC, ICC Prosecutor must report to the Council every six months on the progress of his investigation in Darfur.
CICC Media Advisory
ICC Press Release
ICC Prosecutor’s fifth report to the UN SC pursuant to UNSC 1593 (2005)

May 2007

ICC Prosecutor opens investigation in Central African Republic
On 22 May 2007, ICC Prosecutor Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo announced the opening of a fourth investigation into grave crimes allegedly committed in the Central African Republic (CAR), with the peak of violence occurring in 2002 and 2003. The prosecutor’s announcement points to a focus on sexual violence, referring to hundreds of victims telling of rapes and other abuses committed “with particular cruelty.” He also explained that “this is the first time that [he] is opening an investigation in which allegations of sexual crimes far outnumber alleged killings.”
OTP Press Release
OTP Factsheet
CICC Press Release

ICC judges issue arrest warrants for suspects in Darfur Investigation
On 2 May 2007, it was made public that the judges of Pre-Trial Chamber I issued arrest warrants on 27 April 2007 for Ahmad Muhammad Harun and Ali Muhammad Al Abd-Al-Rahman, the two individuals named by the Prosecutor in his February filing on the Darfur situation. The Chamber held that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the two suspects bear criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Darfur in 2003 and 2004. In view of the information provided by the prosecution, the judges decided to request arrest warrants instead of summons to appear, since they considered that Ahmad Muhammad Harun and Ali Muhammad Al Abd-Al-Rahman would not appear voluntarily before the Court and that their arrests appeared to be necessary at this stage. The two arrest warrants list 51 counts respectively, including persecution, murder and attacks against civilians, forcible transfer, rape, pillaging, destruction of property, inhumane acts, imprisonment, and torture.
CICC Media Advisory
ICC Decisions on Darfur
ICC Press Release
OTP Press Release

March 2007

ICC Trial Chamber I constituted
On 6 March 2007, the Presidency of the ICC issued a Decision constituting Trial Chamber I. This decision determined that Trial Chamber I is composed of Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito, Judge René Blattmann, and Judge Adrian Fulford and refers the case of The Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo to the Chamber.
You may access the decision on the ICC Website

February 2007

Darfur: ICC Prosecutor Requests Summons to Appear
On 27 February 2007, the International Criminal Court made public on its website an application from the Prosecutor, to Pre-Trial Chamber I, requesting that the Chamber issue summonses in respect of Ahmad Muhammad Harun (according to the application, a former Minister of State for the Interior of the Government of Sudan) and Ali Muhammad Ali Abdal-Rahman(according to the Application, Militia leader also known as Ali Kushayb) to direct them to appear before the Court for initial proceedings.
The Application states that the Office of the Prosecutor has concluded that
there are reasonable grounds to believe that these two persons bear criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Darfur in 2003 and 2004.
You may access the Application with Annexes on the ICC Website

January 2007

ICC Confirms Charges Against Thomas Lubanga: Child Soldiers Case Will Be Court’s First Trial
On Monday, 29 January at approximately 3 p.m. in The Hague, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) confirmed the charges against Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, sending the case against him to trial. During Monday’s hearing, presiding Judge Claude Jorda read a summary of the Chamber’s decision. The Chamber found sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that Mr. Lubanga is criminally responsible as a co-perpetrator for all three charges made against him for the period beginning September 2002, when the Force Patriotiques pour la Liberation du Congo (FPLC) was founded, and ending 13 August 2003.

The Prosecutor of the ICC has charged Mr. Lubanga with three war crimes: 1) enlisting children under the age of fifteen; 2) conscripting children under the age of fifteen; and 3) using children under the age of fifteen to participate actively in hostilities.
ICC Media Advisory
CICC Media Advisory

Pre-Trial Chamber I to issue decision on confirmation of charges hearing
On Monday, 29 January at 3 p.m., ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I will hold a public hearing to deliver its decision on whether or not the charges against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo will be confirmed, and if confirmed, go to trial. Mr. Lubanga is charged with the enlistment and conscription of children under the age of 15 and using them to participate actively in hostilities. During the hearing, Presiding Judge Claude Jorda will read a summary of the Chamber’s decision. The courtroom proceedings will be broadcasted live on the Court’s website: A Press Briefing on the issue will be held afterward at the Court.
ICC Media Advisory
CICC Media Advisory
Updates and Developments
ICC Deputy Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda during a press conference on 7 February 2008 after the transfer of the surrender and transfer of Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, marking the ICC's third case in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Cicc International Co-Secretariats
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